Paint Mediums and Varnishes

Use Utrecht Acrylic Paint Mediums to increase paint volume for broad coverage and glazes at a fraction of the cost of paint alone. Utrecht Acrylic Paint Colors work great directly from the tube or jar, but can be extended considerably without ...

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Whether you need to extend color, increase fluidity or thicken paint, our acrylic painting mediums can help you do it

Use Utrecht Acrylic Paint Mediums to increase paint volume for broad coverage and glazes at a fraction of the cost of paint alone. Utrecht Acrylic Paint Colors work great directly from the tube or jar, but can be extended considerably without any apparent loss of color or body. Utrecht Acrylic Painting Mediums, such as gloss acrylic or acrylic gel medium, are fully compatible with all major brands. Use to improve luminosity, enhance mixing and extend workability. Combine the full range of Utrecht Acrylic Mediums for limitless unique formulas just right for your work. With our wide selection of acrylic paint mediums, you can alter your acrylic paint in a variety of ways to employ assorted painting techniques and finishes.

Oil Paint Mediums give artists the tools to paint in any style they choose, with confidence in the permanence of their work and the safety of their studio

With our wide selection of oil painting mediums, you can recreate painting techniques of the past without toxic exposure to turpentine. Whether you need to extend color, increase fluidity or thicken paint, our oil mediums and paint varnish can help you do it. Oil painting mediums are made to enhance the working properties and finishing of oil painting colours. They are used to thin, clean, restore and protect your oil paintings and are compatible with all brands of oil colors.