Pencils and Lead

Mechanical pencils are designed with the intent to provide a consistent line without requiring a sharpener. Drafting pencils are available in assorted sizes from a variety of brands including; Alvin, Faber-Castell, Pentel and Sakura. Pencil lea...

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Maintain clean, consistent line quality with a mechanical pencil or lead holder

Mechanical pencils are designed with the intent to provide a consistent line without requiring a sharpener. Drafting pencils are available in assorted sizes from a variety of brands including; Alvin, Faber-Castell, Pentel and Sakura. Pencil lead refills or graphite can be selected for hardness and is automatically fed to the point through a spring mechanism or by a rotating mechanism.

Utrecht also carries and assortment of lead holders (also called clutch pencils) which hold larger lead than a standard mechanical pencil. A typical clutch pencil is activated by pressing the top to open the jaws inside the tip, allowing the pencil lead to freely drop through from the barrel, allowing you to expose as much lead as necessary. The sturdy, wood, metal or plastic lead holder protects lead from breaking and keeps your hands clean.